Sunday, December 17, 2006

What Iridology Can and Cannot Do

What Iridology Can and Cannot Do

The following information has been taken from our “Beginning Iridology” course.

Iris Picture was taken with the SD8004 Super Digital Iridology Camera by JLS and Allison Imaging. Contact Brenda for info.

Iridology is the only science that tells inherent weaknesses. We die from our inherent weaknesses. Disease migrates to our weaknesses. We become toxic laden because we cannot detoxify. Inherent weaknesses tell us where the minerals are needed.

Iridology Can Reveal:

  1. The primary nutritional needs of the body.
  2. Inherently weak organs, glands and tissues.
  3. Inherently strong organs, glands and tissues.
  4. Constitutional strength or weakness.
  5. What organ is in greatest need of repair and rebuilding.
  6. Relative amounts of toxic settlements in organs, glands and tissues.
  7. Stages of tissue inflammation and activity.
  8. Where inflammation is located in the body.
  9. Under activity or sluggishness of the bowel.
  10. Spastic conditions or ballooned conditions of the bowel.
  11. The need for acidophilus in the bowel.
  12. Prolapses of the transverse colon.
  13. Nervous condition or inflammation of the bowel.
  14. High-risk tissue areas in the body that may be leading to a disease.
  15. Pressure on the heart.
  16. Circulation level in various organs.
  17. Nerve force and nerve depletion.
  18. Hyperactivity or hypo activity of organs, glands or tissues.
  19. Influence of one organ on another, contribution of one organ to a condition elsewhere in the body.
  20. Lymphatic system congestion.
  21. Poor assimilation of nutrients.
  22. Depletion of minerals in any organ, gland or tissue.
  23. Relative ability of an organ, gland or tissue to hold nutrients.
  24. Results of physical or mental fatigue on the body.
  25. Need for rest to build up immunity.
  26. Tissue areas contributing to suppressed or buried symptoms.
  27. High or low sex drive.
  28. A genetic pattern of inherent weaknesses and their influence on other organs, glands and tissues.
  29. Pre-clinical stages of potential diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and other diseases.
  30. Miasms.
  31. Recuperative ability and the health level of the body.
  32. Build up of toxic material before the materialization of disease.
  33. Genetic weaknesses affecting the nerves, blood supply and mineralization of bones.
  34. Genetic influence on any symptoms present.
  35. Healing signs indicating an increase in strength in an organ, gland or tissue.
  36. Bone marrow problems.
  37. Potential for varicose veins in legs as shown by inherent weakness.
  38. Positive and negative nutritional needs of the body.
  39. Probably allergy to wheat.
  40. Sources of infection.
  41. Acidity of the body or catarrh development, as indicated by acute signs in the iris.
  42. Suppression of catarrh, as indicated by sub acute or chronic signs in the iris.
  43. Condition of the tissue in any part of the body or all parts of the body at one time.
  44. Climate and altitude best for patient.
  45. Potential contributions to sterility.
  46. Effects of polluted environment.
  47. Adrenal suppression, which may indicate low blood pressure, lack of energy, slowed tissue repair, deficiencies of vitamin C and adrenaline.
  48. Resistance to disease, as shown by amount of toxic settlements in the body.
  49. Relationship or unity of symptoms with conditions in organs, glands and tissues.
  50. The difference between a healing crisis and a disease crisis.
  51. The workings of Herring’s Law of Cure.
  52. Whether a particular program or therapy is working or not.
  53. The quality of nerve force in the body.
  54. Response to treatment; how well the body is healing itself and at what rate.
  55. The "whole" overall health level of the body as a unified structure.

Iridology Cannot Reveal:

  1. Predict or indicate blood pressure levels (abnormal or normal), blood sugar level or other specific diagnostic findings or laboratory test results.
  2. Identify what medication or drugs an individual is taking or has used in the past.
  3. Determine what surgical operations a person has had.
  4. Tell what foods a person does or does not eat.
  5. Find out how much uric acid is in the body.
  6. Indicate when an injury to the body occurred or what caused the injury.
  7. Determine whether a poisonous snake bit has occurred or whether snake venom has entered the bloodstream.
  8. Correlate tissue inflammation levels with specific diseases or symptoms of disease.
  9. Identify diseases by name.
  10. Tell whether a subject is male or female from the iris.
  11. Determine whether asbestos settlements or silicosis exists in the body but only the effects on tissue.
  12. Tell if hair is falling out or what may be causing hair loss.
  13. Determine the number of organs when a person has been born with 3 kidneys, a double uterus, etc.
  14. Verify the presence of fungal infections such as Candida Albicans, although it may indicate conditions supporting its possible presence in the body.
  15. Show which tooth may be causing trouble.
  16. Verify the presence of lead, cadmium, aluminum or many other metallic elements that may have settled in the tissues.
  17. Tell if someone is on birth control pills.
  18. Prove whether or not a woman is pregnant, either normal or entopic pregnancy.
  19. Indicate whether an operation may be necessary.
  20. Indicate reliably whether a tumor is present or what size it may be.
  21. Show whether hemorrhage exists in the body or where its location may be.
  22. The difference between drug side effect symptoms and symptoms of actual diseases.
  23. Show if the thyroid is causing irregular menstrual periods.
  24. Determine the presence of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or bubonic plague.
  25. Prove whether healing signs indicate a rising of the general health level.
  26. Indicate syphilis, gonorrhea or other sexually transmitted diseases.
  27. Identify homosexuality or AIDS.
  28. Show whether gallstones or kidney stones are present.
  29. Tell reliably whether a blockage exists in a cardiac artery.


ana maría said...

Hi there, I'm a newbie on this field and I'm learning a little bit about iridology, I found your post looking for some information about this science, I just found a very interesting book which tells the advantages of using digital processing to get a more accurate iridology diagnosis, for those who want to know more about this resource the link is computerized iridology system, I found very valuable information there

Unknown said...

I think this article should be renamed "What Iridology Can and Cannot Do in the USA"!!

Some of the "What iridology cannot do" could be up for debate!

There are some clinical studies that support diagnostic reliability in detecting certain "diseases". For example, a few current studies showing high efficacy in diagosing diabetes:

Journal Article: Learning to predict diabetes from iris image analysis

Journal Article: Early Detection on the Condition of Pancreas Organ as the Cause of Diabetes Mellitus by Real Time Iris Image Processing

Journal Article: Abnormal condition detection of pancreatic Beta-cells as the cause of Diabetes Mellitus based on iris image

I think Dr. Jensen wrote this mainly to keep iridologists from getting into trouble with the FDA, AMA, etc. He understood that is was best not to mess with the USA medical cartels!

Unfortunatley, there is also such a great lack of iridology research in North America and why this science will remain stale.